Kern · Kühl · Waßer

Großer Hirschgraben 15

60311 Frankfurt

(next to the „Goethe-House“)

tel.: 069 9288 2688

fax: 069 9288 2686


Kündigung Rechtsanwalt Kanzlei Frankfurt fristlose Kündigung Arbeitsvertrag Vergütung Gehalt Teilzeit Mutterschutz Betriebsrat Rechtsanwälte Offenbach Abfindung Lohn AbmahnungFachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht  Kündigungsschutz Kündigungsschutzklage Zeugnis Teilzeit Befristung Geschäftsführer Firma Arbeitnehmer Arbeitgeber Firmenwagen Dienstwagen Elternzeit Änderungskündigung Wettbewerbsverbot Arbeitsgericht Urteil Beratung personenbedingt verhaltensbedingt betriebsbedingt Mobbing Aufhebungsvertrag Abwicklungsvertrag

Kern · Kühl · Waßer





labor law

Employment Law & Labor Law

Our team of highly experienced and skilled solicitors is dedicated to provide prompt, practical and authoritative advice to all employees or employers. We have experience in every aspect of employment law, but we are also specialists within individual practice areas. Our strength for many clients – whether individual clients or corporate – is to achieve resolution through confidential work e.g. confidential and fast settlements. We are skilled in advising employers and employees on how to manage and resolve problems both independently, and through our assistance in mediation and alternative dispute resolution procedures with employers, employees, works councils or trade unions.

Our innovative and rounded approach to employment law includes a number of value-added services such as

  1. -Employment contracts

  2. -Employment dismissal

  3. -Individual and Collective Redundancies

  4. -Unfair Dismissal

  5. -Constructive Dismissal

  6. -Wrongful Dismissal/Breach of Contract

  7. -Discrimination

  8. -Bullying/Harassment

  9. -Whistleblowing/Protected Disclosures

  10. -Health and Safety

  11. -Occupational Illness/Injury

  12. -Maternity/Paternity Rights

  13. -Flexible Working

  14. -Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006

  15. -Outsourcing/ Insourcing

  16. -Civil Litigation/Dispute Resolution

  17. -Works council relation

  18. -Legal representation / litigation

Have you been dismissed or do you fear dismissal? Do you wish to negotiate a good settlement? We represent your interests nationwide.

Do not hesitate to contact us (069 9288 2688) for any further questions.



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tel: 069 9288 2688